President Filipe Nyusi, has counseled the Mozambiquan Police to reinvent itself to better fight terrorism that has ravaged the north of the country.
The challenge was launched Monday, during the closing ceremony of the 42nd PRM Basic Course, at the Matalana Police School, in Marracuene district, Maputo province, where more than 11,000 police officers were trained.
“We recommend the PRM to reinvent itself together with the other security forces in the field, to intensify its action to remove all types of threat, aggression and disturbance of public order, in addition to creating its level of ability to anticipate disturbing phenomena”, President Nyusi said.
The Head of State also referred to other risks facing the country, such as money laundering and the financing of terrorism, guiding, in this context, to all those involved in the justice system, including the PRM and the SERNIC, to develop internal and external coordination actions to combat it.
“These are crimes that pose a threat to the country and to the world in general, and combating them requires specialized training, increased capacity for investigation, analysis and accountability.