The Kampala regime has disbursed U$65 million to DRC as part of compensation of victims of various wars committed on Congolese soil between 1998 and 2003.
This is part of a total amount of U$325 million the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Uganda to pay to DRCfor reparations for the damage caused.On September 1, 2022, Kampala disbursed a first installment.
The announcement of said payment was made on Friday, September 9, by the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Rose Mutombo, during the meeting of the Council of Ministers.
In response, the non-profit association Solidarity Fund for victims of the 6-day war, (ASBL FSVG) perpetrated in Kisangani in 2000, notes “with satisfaction” that by the payment of a deposit of U$65 million, Uganda complies with the judgment of the International Court of Justice, obliging it to repair the damage caused to the DRC and its people. For this organization which brings together the victims of the various wars in Kisangani, Kampala has taken a good step towards the justice that must be rendered to the victims.
“This act is a good step in the direction of justice that must be rendered to the victims that we are and that we will never stop demanding,” she said in a press release.
Pursuing this same idea, the association of victims also urges the Congolese authorities to do “good use of its funds, that they reach the real victims of the 6-day war identified”.
As a reminder, the judgment rendered by the International Court of Justice in February 2022 breaks down the total amount of U$325 millions follows: U$225 million for damage caused to people, U$60 million for damage resulting from the looting of natural resources in DRV and U$40 million for damage to property in Lumumba’s country.