A US federal judge has ordered Gervais “Ken” Ngombwa, 56 convicted last week for naturalization fraud, to remain in custody after learning that the suspect is wanted in Rwanda for genocide crimes.
The judge also learnt that Ngombwa, who lives in in Cedar Rapids, the second largest city in Iowa, already has an outstanding warrant for his participation in the genocide.
Ngombwa, a leader with MDR-Power, was accused in Gacaca courts for participation in transporting interahamwe militia members and was convicted to 30 years in prison in absentia.
Ngombwa was convicted last Friday for making false statements to Department of Homeland Security and attempting to procure citizenship, local press reported.
The charges included, “unlawfully procuring or attempting to procure naturalization or citizenship; one count of procuring citizenship to which he was not entitled; one count of conspiracy to unlawfully procure citizenship; and one count of making a materially false statement to Department of Homeland Security agents.
Ngombwa made false statements in an attempt to obtain citizenship for himself and family members who came with him to the United States from Rwanda, according to the Gazette, an Iowan newspaper.
Also, in July 2013, he was charged with second-degree arson following a domestic dispute at his home.
KCRG, an affiliate of abc news said the Chief District Court Judge Linda R. Reade, Ngombwa is also guilty of the following:
-Falsely claiming to be the brother of a moderate Hutu leader
-Falsely claiming to be related to other adult refugees
-Failing to disclose the names of numerous relatives living in Rwanda
-Falsely claiming certain children were his own biological children with his wife Antoinette Mukakabanda
-Falsely claiming he had not been married to anyone other than Mukakabanda
-Falsely denying he had relatives in the military
-Falsely claiming he, his wife, and his mother-in-law had been beaten by government forces in 1990 before the genocide began
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