An untreatable maize lethal necrosis disease has forced Malawi to stop importing maize from neighbouring Tanzania and Kenya.
Malawi, which already is suffering from food shortages fears the spread of maize lethal necrosis disease could wipe out the staple food.
Henry Kamkwamba, an agriculture expert with the International Food Policy Research Institute, was quoted saying that if the disease were introduced into Malawi, it would be difficult to contain.
“Think of how we lost all of our traditional bananas in the past and now Malawi is a net importer of bananas … due to our lax policies in terms of imports,” he said.
“There are these similar concerns with maize,” he said, with maize being the nation’s main food crop.
Kamkwamba predicted the ban would help Malawi prevent the disease from spreading.
Grace Mijiga Mhango, the president of the Grain Traders Association of Malawi, said that while she understands the severity of the impact of the maize disease, banning imports at a time of need would likely result in higher costs.
“If we really don’t have enough food, then we are creating another unnecessary maize [price] increase,” she said.
The next alternative for maize imports is South Africa, she said.
“South Africa is quite a distance,” she said, “and they don’t have enough. … It will be expensive.”
Malawi’s government said the ban will be temporary as it explores other preventive measures to combat the spread of maize lethal necrosis disease.