Reports emerging from DRC indicate that the notorious Ugandan Allied Democrtatic Front (ADF) jihadists have carried out attacks in the villages of Kokola and Upira near the town of Mayimoya, north of the territory of Beni (North Kivu).
The brutal new wave of violence has left Seven civilians, including four women dead, among the victims is the chief of the locality.
According to witnesses, the first killing started at 8 am on Friday.
“Five people including four villagers who were in full activity in their palm grove were killed with a machete and by bullets in the village of Kokola,” said Patrick Musubao, head of local civil society.
The second killing is the one who targeted the chief of the locality of Upira.
“People cheated on him saying that the attackers had just burn down his veranda in Upira, that’s how he took his motorcycle to go there. When he arrived he found the ADF fighters who did not hesitate to execute it, with his father and setting on fire his motorcycle, “added the same source.
This attack comes after that recorded on the night from Wednesday to last Thursday in the neighboring locality of Eringeti.
These violence explains threats to the users of the Oïcha-Eringeti road, and the approach of the attackers towards the localities of the Bambuba-Kisiki group, while a lull has already been observed in the area for more than two years.