A single federal East African state can propel the region into a prosperous entity and cut off begging from the West, President Yoweri Museveni has said.
“The federation will deal with the issue of prosperity. Can you get prosperity by begging Americans for money? Each country produces a product and sells it. Once you talk of selling, you are talking of markets,” Museveni said.
“For prosperity, you must love Kenya, Uganda or Tanzania but secondly the Ugandan market is not enough and that’s why the second principle of our movement is Pan Africanism and principle number three is social economic transformation changing the culture to become modern,” Museveni noted.
Museveni was a chief guest in Kenya at the Piny Luo Cultural Festival on Thursday. President William Ruto, President Museveni of Uganda and Raila Odinga were all crowned as Luo elders.
However, Museveni urged Kenyans to move past tribal affiliation and focus on Pan-Africanism.
Museveni, called on African countries to work towards unity of purpose and ensure inclusive growth and shared prosperity across the continent.
On November 27, 2024, President Museveni was chief guest at the Ateker Cultural Festival celebrations held in Soroti City, Eastern Uganda.
The annual festival brings together the Ateker Communities of Nyangatom of Ethiopia, Topotha, Bari and Torit of South Sudan, the Iteso, Karamojong, Jie, Dodoth, Kumam, Langi and Kakwa of Uganda, the Maasai of Tanzania and the Turkana and Masai of Kenya.
In a similar message, Museveni told the Ateker community, “For Patriotism, you should love Uganda, love Kenya for your prosperity. If you think your tribe is more important than Ethiopia, you are an enemy of your tribe because you are endangering the interests of your tribe. Your tribe needs Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan if it is to be prosperous. You should love Africa because the internal market of your country is not enough so you need the market of Africa.