Yemen has warned the US against its ground military operations until an approval has been issued by the commander in chief.
The warning was issued after civilians died in a ‘raid’, Yemeni officials told CNN.
Yemen told the US it needs to seek the government’s full approval after an anti-terror raid authorized by US President Donald Trump killed civilians; two senior Yemeni defense officials told CNN earlier on Wednesday.
Yemeni officials reportedly sent a firm message to the US administration condemning the January 29 operation that left one US Navy Seal and over 30 Yemeni women and children dead, complaining of a ‘lack of coordination’ with its officials.
The withdrawn permission for US ground raids’ comes after Donald Trump’s first botched military operation, according to UK’s Independent Newspaper. It reported that the decision would mark major set back for the new US President, “who has emphasised tackling Islamic extremism is a priority of his administration.
Meanwhile, other reports suggest that Yemen has denied withdrawing its permission for the US to conduct special operations al-Qaeda bases in the country.