Latest (Apr, 15-21) weekly data from National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) shows that Tea export revenues remains higher than coffee.
According to NAEB, 573.7 Metric Tons of Tea worth U$1,555,613 were shipped out of the country to destinations including; Pakistan, UK, Kazakhstan, and Iran.
Meanwhile, only 65.7 Metric Tons of Coffee worth U$387,114 were exported to destinations including; UAE, U.S.A, and Nigeria.
Data of Rwanda-n horticultural (fruits, vegetables & flowers) exports for last week; includes, shipment of 402.7 Metric Tons worth U$ 747,568 Main countries of destination: DRC, UAE, UK, Netherlands, Vietnam, Germany, and Nigeria.
Other agriculture products exported include; Animal products: U$ 154,351, Cereals, grains & flour: U$ 1,550,848, Roots & tubers: U$ 161,381, Pulses: U$ 68,080, Oleaginous crops: U$ 57,093 and Other products: U$ 98,992. Most of these were shipped to DRC, Vietnam, UG, USA.