President Paul Kagame has pledged that Rwanda and Africa will demploy their concerted effort and readiness to prioritize what it takes to have efficient use of renewable energy for a sustainable future of the continent.
Kagame was addresing world leaders gathered at COP27 on Tuesday 8 at Sherm El Sheikh in Egypt.
Referring to the finding of the sixth Intergovernmental panel on climate change, Kagame said, that global leaders have the power to influence a climate change threat emphasizing that Rwanda and Africa are ready to play their part.
“Yet, despite growing evidence that the damage of global warming will soon become irreversible, there seems to be little sense of urgency,” he said noting that “Rwanda like the rest of Africa is ready to prioritize renewable energy.”
“The point is not to generate carbon credits so that others can start using coal, even as Africa is discouraged from exploiting its fossil fuel resources,” he added.
Kagame emphasized that there are growing evidences that the damage of global warming will soon become irresistible and therefore alarmed the need of urgent responsiveness.
“The most valuable contribution that developed countries can make is to reduce their emission faster while investing with Africa to build sustainable green power,” Kagame said.
In his remarks, Kagame further argued that Africa’s shortage of finances as an excuse cannot be justified for inaction.
“Questioning whether Africa is ready to make use of energy finance should not be an excuse to justify inaction. We have seen the effects of this thinking during the pandemic,” he added. “Vulnerable nations cannot rely on external financing alone.”
With exemplariness of Rwanda’s 100 investment facility, Kagame challenged African countries to follow the path without waiting for foreign aid from western countries to combat climate change.
“We need private-public partnerships.” Kagame insisted and said that is why Rwanda has launched, ireme invest, a new green investment facility with over US$100 million from domestic and international partners.
While concluding his remarks, Kagame commended the global frameworks designed to reduce the production and consumption of the ozone layer depleting substances such as Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol which so far 138 countries has ratified including United States.
“I congratulate all countries that have ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, most recently the United States and encourage others to do so. Instruments such as the Commonwealth’s Blue Charter and Living Lands Charter are also valuable tools, especially for Small Island and developing states.” Kagame said “Rwanda remains committed to inclusive and transparent negotiations for a green and a climate resilient,” he added.