More than 50,000 people packed at the Singapore’s grandest arena, on Thursday welcoming the leader of world’s 1.39 billion baptized Catholics.
Hundreds of others who had failed to secure tickets also gathered outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the pontiff as he arrived.
Pope Francis is in Singapore, a country with 5.6million people and less than 10% are catholics.
His simple message for his flock: It is love that lies at the foundations of all human works, including the “great and bold architecture” of Singapore.
For three-days in Singapore, the Pontiff will meet with government officials, religious leaders and students.
A few weeks before Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore, the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools organized an art and video competition centered around the theme of the Papal Journey.
The students who joined the competition were asked to “draw their vision of unity and hope for the Church” and “write a prayer” for the pontiff.
Without love, there is “no life, no impetus, no reason to act, no strength to build”, he added. “If there is anything good that exists and endures in this world, it is only because, in innumerable situations, love has prevailed over hate, solidarity over indifference, generosity over selfishness.”
Quoting the late John Paul II when he visited Singapore in November 1986, he reminded the congregation that “love is characterised by a deep respect for all people, regardless of their race, belief or whatever makes them different from ourselves”.
“These are important words for us because, beyond the astonishment we feel in front of human works, they remind us that there is an even greater wonder to be embraced with even greater admiration and respect: namely, the brothers and sisters we meet, without discrimination, every day on our path, as we see in Singaporean society and the Church, which are ethnically diverse and yet united and in solidarity!”