Kagame's Battle For Commuters: The Feud Between AC Group And Centrika Over Digital Cards Interoperability - Taarifa Rwanda
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Kagame’s Battle For Commuters: The Feud Between AC Group And Centrika Over Digital Cards Interoperability

Early 2022, President Paul Kagame summoned Ministers of ICT, Infrastructure and the Director General of Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) to his office.

Kagame asked them to explain the difference between the digital cards of AC Group and Centrika.

He apparently had been informed that there is feud between the two companies, that hurts the public.

These cards are used by commuters to tap on and pay the fare in buses.

Kigali city is running on an automated fare collection system where commuters use Safaribus cards from Centrika and Tap&Go cards from AC Group for payment.

The digital system helps operators to recover all their revenues and also give passengers an efficient experience.

Government is also able to collect it’s real revenues.

Each card has it’s unique features.

The ministers went on to explain to the President the features.

SafariBus Cards

This card works as a prepaid card in partnership with UnionPay and one of the local bank.

The owner can load cash from the bank account, MoMo account or agents.

One can use the card to pay for various services not only transport..(bus, motobikes, taxi,..), events (Concerts, Sports,..) or online shopping.

It can also be used to withdraw cash from Kiosks or ATMs. The card automatically deducts the fare or fee from your balance when you use it.

It also bares owners names.

If lost, owner is issued a new one free of charge with their balance still intact.

And then the President asked, what about Tap&Go card?

Tap&Go cards

With Tap&Go card, one can only use it for paying bus tickets or fare. Top up is made by agents or via momo.

The card doesn’t bare any names. If lost, the owner loses their money and has to buy a new one.

The President asked, do commuters have the right to use any card they want?

The answer was yes, but some cards are not compatible with all machines. And the next question was, why?

And that’s where the story is.

The Ministers and the DG explained that each bus operator installs a ticket vending machine (TVM) supplied by Centrika and AC Group. They are the only ones licensed to sell and install the machines.

According to regulations, these suppliers (Centrika and AC Group) are supposed to ensure there is interoperability.

A passenger should aquire a card of their choice and use it in any bus.

The President instructed the officials to immediately enforce the law and asked them to ensure the market is liberalized as soon as possible.

However, the President’s directives were undermined.

It is only last month that RURA wrote to both companies instructing them to ensure their TVMs are interoperable.

Only Centrika has enforced the directives. AC Group is still adamant.

RURA has declined to respond to our quarries seeking clarifications.

AC Group couldn’t respond to our questions as well.

About 2.3 million cards have been issued. AC Group has issued about 2 million cards.

If the market is liberalized and passengers allowed to use any card in any bus, AC Group will definitely lose a huge marketshare.

Un answered questions: 

What is at stake that gives authorities and AC Group the ability to undermine the President’s directives?

Is Centrika’s card and technology too sophisticated that AC Group can’t invest in a similar card to remain competitive and give commuters same experience?

Unfortunately both RURA and AC Group can’t respond to our questions. It remains to be seen as to who will take action in the interest of commuters if the President can be undermined.


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