Inspector General of Police (IGP) Felix Namuhoranye recently met with Fatmata Lovetta Sesay, the UNDP Representative to Rwanda, at the Rwanda National Police headquarters in Kacyiru. The meeting focused on enhancing the collaboration between the Rwanda National Police and the UNDP to bolster community policing and security, both crucial elements of national development.
During the discussions, IGP Namuhoranye and Sesay explored strategies to strengthen their ongoing partnership, aiming to improve community safety and engagement.
The dialogue highlighted the importance of security as a foundational pillar for sustainable development and emphasized the shared commitment to advancing these objectives through effective cooperation.
The meeting underscores the Rwanda National Police’s dedication to working with international partners to enhance local security measures and ensure a safer environment for all Rwandans.
Both parties expressed optimism about the potential for this strengthened cooperation to yield significant benefits for community policing efforts and overall security.