From January 20–24, this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting will take place in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland under the theme “Collaboration For The Intelligent Age”.
According to organisers, the gathering will address pressing international and regional challenges, including responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition.
The forum will convene amidist Geo-economic uncertainty, trade tensions, cultural polarization, and climate anxiety. However, there’s also the promise of rapid innovation – AI, quantum computing, and biotech – to boost productivity and living standards.
Key themes
Rebuilding Trust: How can stakeholders find new ways to collaborate on solutions both internationally and within societies?
Reimagining Growth: How can we identify the new sources of growth in this new global economy?
Investing in People: How can the public and private sectors invest in human capital development and good jobs that contribute to the development of a modern and resilient society?
Safeguarding the Planet: How can we catalyse energy, climate and nature action through innovative partnerships, increased financing and the deployment of frontier technologies?
Industries in the Intelligent Age: How can business leaders strike a balance between the short-term goals and long-term imperatives in the transformation of their industries?