
Trial Begins For 51 Suspects in DRC’s Failed Coup d’état

The court trial of 51 suspects accused of ochestrating the May 19 attempted coup d’état began on Friday at Kinshasa/Gombe garrison military court.

The hearing, which was held at the Ndolo military prison, was mainly devoted to the identification of the defendants.

The charges brought against the 51 defendants include various serious charges, such as attack against the institutions of the Republic, murder, terrorism, and illegal possession of weapons and munitions of war.

The accused are notably accused of having, during the night of May 18 to 19, 2024, carried out armed attacks aimed at destabilizing the institutions of the Republic.

They allegedly committed several acts of violence, including the assault of police officers, the theft of AK-47 weapons, and the attack on the residence of the Honorable Vital Kamerhe, then Deputy Prime Minister for National Economy. .

Among the charges, the defendants are accused of having killed several people, including the man named Kevin Tamba, as well as police officers Dodo Lindo and Etshako Warago, during the attack on the residence of Vital Kamerhe.

Acts of terrorism include the use of weapons and drones to sow terror and disrupt public order. The accused allegedly proclaimed the takeover of power by a group called “New Zaire” and hoisted their flag at the Palais de la Nation after tearing down the national flag.

Today’s hearing allowed the identification of the defendants, including American citizens such as Benjamin Zalman Polun and Taylor Christa Thomson, accused of having piloted the drones used during the attacks.

Marcel Malanga, son of Christian Malanga, alleged leader of the gang killed during the operation, was also identified as one of the coordinators of the operations.

The hearing was postponed until June 14, 2024. The next session will be devoted to the detailed reading of the accusations and the presentation of evidence by the public prosecutor.

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