
Revealing Museveni’s Real ‘Pigs, Assassins And Cowards’

For three decades since Yoweri Kaguta Museveni fired his way into Uganda’s top job, he has continuously described the leaders he replaced as ‘Swine’ (Pigs).

Museveni accused his predecessors for overstaying in power and that their regimes were marred by extrajudicial killings, disappearances, endemic poverty and ideological bankruptcy.

One of the Ugandan leaders Museveni dislikes with all his heart, body and soul is Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada that hailed from the current Arua district in West Nile region close to DR Congo.

Arua district has been in the Ugandan news almost on a daily basis since June when its member of Parliament Ibrahim Abiriga was killed, together with his bodyguard, by two men on a motorcycle as he was approaching the gate to his home.

While mourning Abiriga, Museveni made remarks that are reminiscent of his dislike for his predecessors saying Abiriga killers were pigs.

“Can these pigs ask themselves one question: “Why doesn’t NRM assassinate its opponents? Is it because we do not have the guns or the capacity?”

For Museveni, claims that his government agents cannot engage in extrajudicial killings; “The answer to this is the difference between freedom fighters and fascists and pigs.”

As per Ugandan laws, when a member of parliament dies, the electoral body organises elections to have the deceased lawmaker replaced.

Throughout the past weeks, several candidates have been campaigning vigorously to win a slot for Arua Municipality seat.

As the campaigns in Arua municipality reached the brim point, Museveni drove to this part of Uganda to campaign for Nusura Tiperu a candidate of his NRM party.

The opposition also staged tough candidates including the fierce Kasiano Wadri; an independent candidate.

Another Independent MP, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine, drove all the way from Kampala city to Arua to canvass support for Independent candidate Kassiano and embarked on a door-to-door vote hunt as opposed to Museveni who only relied addressing public rallies.

“I was supposed to be here earlier but I am here only a few hours to the election. It is not that I was not thinking about Arua, but because the election in Arua is a unique one,” Bobi wine who arrived in Arua on Sunday said.

The Opposition supporters insisted that Bobi wine and Kassiano walk to the venue of Monday’s rally in Arua and so they did

As the sun dropped from the sky to allow night, supporters of the opposition and those of Museveni’s party walked back home jamming the Arua city streets.

They threw stones at each other and the situation went out of control.

Police and Special forces (SFC) that protect Museveni moved in to purge the supporters firing live bullets including kidnapping some.

Journalists covering the processions live on television were badly beaten and their cameras confiscated.

Television stations later twitted that their reporters were missing and couldn’t be reached.

Bobi Wine later twitted a gruesome image of his driver shot multiple times in the left part of the chest.

The driver’s body leaned lifeless on the car seat with blood soaked out of his heart.

His shirt bore a logo Ffe Uganda (We are Uganda) and in between the logo and the words a Ugandan flag hangs.

“Police has shot my driver dead thinking they’ve shot at me. My hotel is now cordoned off by police and SFC,”Bobi wine tweeted.

However, in the shortest time possible, the unthinkable happened, a car belonging to Museveni’s convoy with an insignia of court of Arms suddenly appeared at the scene of murder.

The Toyota Land Cruiser appeared with a shattered hind glass on the rear door but a fake twitter account of president Museveni claimed that Bobi Wine supporters were responsible for pelting stones the president car and shattering its glass.

But experts have assessed the claims that a bullet proof convoy car of this nature could be hit with stones and pluck out its glasses.



The armored Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Convoy (certified VR7 TLC) is tested and certified according to the updated BRV 2009 VR7 guidelines.

During ballistic testing, the armored SUV withstands over 400 impacts at a variety of angles from both 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm ammunition.

In addition, the vehicle withstands explosives detonated at various areas of the vehicle, including DM51 hand grenades, HG85 hand grenades, DM31 land mine, and 12.5kg of PETN charge IED simulation (equivalent to 17kg of TNT).

Upon inspection of the test results, the vehicle passed the certification process with no penetration in the cabin while maintaining a safe level of pressure during blast testing to provide optimal survivability.

Stones by protestors cannot have such a resultant effect on the armor, may be if it was the 50 calibre sniper gun and it would require more than one direct hit.

This is just a game being played by Museveni crime scene engineers fearing that their leader would get humiliated in Arua at the ballot box.

It can thus be said that the real Pigs are the Museveni cadres and special forces that have decided to use the gun to kill the opposition without fear.

Had it been that it was the NRM candidate or supporter that was shot, Museveni and his failing security apparatus would have reasonable basis to make the outlandish statements that they made.

A fierce opposition can not die like a pig, maybe he can only be killed by a pig.

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