Rwanda Tea shipment to Kazakhstan is steadily increasing according to weekly agri-export data from the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB).
Last week, Rwanda exported 780.6Metric Tones of Tea fetching a total of U$2,275,073. The main destination include; Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and the United Kingdom.
Kazakhstan was the last of the Soviet republics to declare independence during the dissolution of the Soviet Union from 1988 to 1991.
According to statistical data provided by the Kazakhstan government, the Tea market is expected to grow annually by 6.62% (CAGR 2022-2025). Revenue in the Tea segment amounts to US$473.00m in 2022.
By 2025, 30% of spending and 3% of volume consumption in the Tea segment will be attributable to out-of-home consumption (e.g., in bars and restaurants).
Meanwhile, In the Tea segment, volume is expected to amount to 27.0mkg by 2025. The market for Tea segment is expected to show a volume growth of 9.2% in 2023.
Back to Rwanda weekly agri-export data, the East African country also shipped out 419.5Metric Tons of coffee valued at U$2,988,640 and was sold at U$7.1/Kg. Major destinations include; K, USA, South Korea, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Poland.
Other agriculture products exported include; Animal products: U$236,092, Cereals, grains & flour: U$1,542,940, Roots & tubers: U$231,698, Pulses: U$153,284, Oleaginous crops: U$1,862,717 and Other products: U$619,696.